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Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Tips Toefl Structure

Grammar or grammar test them on the Structure and written expression in the TOEFL test. The TOEFL test is generally composed of three bagia one of which Structure and written expression, this dimaksutkan to determine the competence of your data is English (grammar).

Grammar (grammar) whose scope is not limited. However, based on observations on the tests TOEFL ever held, in general there are tendencies issued in the form of questions from a certain material. To prepare for the TOEFL test on a matter Structure and written expression, it is better to focus on the materials, so learning is not floating and do not exhaust the time, if it was understood then augment it with other material.

Here is a material Grammar Frequently tested in the TOEFL test

1. Main Verb
All sentences in the English language should have the main verb (main verb) and the subject.
A: An advanced country with an indicator of the high rate of productivity (FALSE)
B: An Advance country has an indicator of the high rate of high rate of productivity (TRUE)
Answer A: Wrong, because it does not have a Main Verb, the sentence is just one phrase that means: A Developed Countries With One indicator of the high level of productivity
Thread B: Yes, it is the Main Verb Has (Have), the meaning of a sentence: A Developed Countries Have One indicator of the high level of productivity

2. infinitive
The infinitive is a verb (Verb) which, when followed by another verb infinitive form as a complementary need, verbs Among them are:
Want Beg Mean Propose Allow Intend Urge Require Tell Decide Need Advice / Teach Hope Invite Ask Expect Support
Structure of Verb above:
Verb + To + V 1
Example sentence: I Want To Say That I Love You

3. gerund (-ing Form)
Verbs (verb) which when followed by another verb, verb that follows must be shaped V-ing. Verbs include:
Finish Fancy forgive Mind Admait Appreciate denay detest Resist Delay Risk concider Continue Keep Enjoy Practise Pardon Excuse Postpone Undertand.Aviod Anticipate Avoid Prevent Neglect
Structure of Verb in:
Verb + Verb-ing
Example of sentences :
The students have finised doing the exercises

5. Conditional
Conditional sentences is also called the sentence modality, used to express something that may happen or may not happen as expected. Theory of three types with the structure:
Formulas Conditional Sentence Type 1
If V.1 + Subject +, S + Will + V.1
Example Sentences Conditional Sentence Type 1
If I prepare well for the test I will pass it.
Formulas Conditional Sentence Type 2
If + Subject + V.2 / Were + S + M2 + V.1
M2 (Modal form 2): Would, could
Example Sentences Conditional Sentence Type 2
If I prepared well for the test, I should pass.
Formulas Conditional Sentence Type 3
If + Subject + Had + V3 + S + M.2 + Have + V.3

Example Sentences Conditional Sentence Type 3
If I had prepared well for the test, I should have passed.

4. Past Custom
Past Custom is a habit that happened in the past and now it does not happen again. Usually using "Used To"
The structure is as follows:
S + Used to + V
S + Used to + V-ing
Example of sentences :
He used to study at the USA before he worked here

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Tips Exams TOEFL Reading

Topics in TOEFL reading that you will encounter generally associated with eye lectures at American universities. Suppose History, Literature, Art, Architecture, Geology, Biology, Health, astronomy, geography, and other subjects.

Problems commonly faced by participants in the session TOEFL test reading comprehension related to the time limit provided. Not a few test participants were not able to complete all the 50 questions in a timely manner. By him it would need to if you learn tactical tips and tricks that can help you in this matter.
To meet your needs in terms of adding a reference on the strategy in answering questions TOEFL reading, in this paper we summarize some tips to answer the TOEFL reading well you can learn.
1. Know beforehand TOEFL would you do

The TOEFL test is diverse, one of which is the TOEFL ITP, which is also commonly called the Institutional TOEFL. TOEFL is composed of three tests, namely Reading, Listening and Grammar / structure. The TOEFL test is the most common tests used in Indonesia.
Other TOEFL test is the IBT (Internet-Based TOEFL) and PBT (Paper-Based TOEFL) which usually becomes one of the conditions for work or study outside the country.

2. Join a group or forum TOEFL
By joining a group or forums related to TOEFL, you will find many many posts about the experience that has been doing the TOEFL, the discussion about the issues TOEFL, and the most important is the trick how to do the problems TOEFL reading section.

3. Do not be too long reading passage
With a short time limit, you do not need to read the text in depth. Questions asked are generally able to answer without having to read a detailed reading. You can take your time 1 or 2 minutes to read the first sentence of each paragraph to understanding the main idea. By understanding the main idea, you've got a first glimpse of the information submitted.

4. Pay attention to the 10 questions and record key words
Once you know the main idea from reading the text, you must read all 10 questions for the reading. Record key words on any of that so you can search for location-location of keywords on a passage in one tempo. This can save you time to not see the reading / searching for keywords in the readings for each question from 10 to about it.

5. Do not panic if the encounter with the topic of reading is unfamiliar to you

The questions in the TOEFL test is done professionally by experts. The questions will not be out of reading. Whatever your background, you still could have answered the questions well without any prior knowledge of the topic of reading.
6. Learn how to get the main idea quickly
In the TOEFL test certain questions related to the main idea (the main idea) is always questionable. Strategies that you can apply by reading the sentence beginning and end of each paragraph. Generally quite simply by reading the first sentence in each paragraph the main idea can be obtained.
7. Understand the context for the vocabulary questions
Your understanding of the vocabulary in the reading will be tested. In answering this sort of question you should not be hasty. Determines the meaning of vocabulary / vocabulary in question should not instantly make you menmilih answer without seeing the context of the sentence related vocabulary. Remember the many meanings of the word in English.
8. Use a scanning method
To find information diepertanyakan in the matter should you use a scanning method considering the limited time. Read all questions at once and remember the key words in question. Then read quickly by scanning to find the key words in the passage. This can save you time to not go back and forth searching for his key word in the readings for each question as it is usually a matter of the number sequence in question is not in the order of reading.
9. Pray.  
Leave it all to God and keep praying. Convince yourself that you can and will be assisted by the Lord, keep spirit and do your best.

Senin, 11 April 2016

Tips Tips TOEFL Listening

Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL exam is abbreviated as the ability to speak English (American accent) is required to enroll in a university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is necessary for applicants or speakers whose native language is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test takers worldwide.

Type TOEFL English test is generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada both for the undergraduate program (S-1) and graduate (S-2 or S-3). The results of the TOEFL test is also used as a material consideration to the English language proficiency of students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American English, and a little different from the type of IELTS test oriented to British English. Unlike IELTS, TOEFL test is generally do not have individual part interview test. Besides TOEFL in adults is already beginning to be used in the workplace as one of the mechanisms of recruitment or promotion levels.

Usually this test takes about three hours and is organized in four parts, namely:
• listening comprehension,
• grammar structure and written expression,
• reading comprehension, and
• writing.

But this time we will discuss a few tips for taking a test toefl listening.

1. Prepare Self-taught ability.
For practice there are various materials listening could easily you get through the internet facility, you can download the various tutorial in online media, such as downloading mp3 songs, films, and lectures frequently conveyed by a native speaker or can be downloaded TOEFL Listening Practice Audio Cd audiobook that has been provided. The most often used is habituation, either hear music, pecakapan everyday dialogue in the film, and note the vocabulary, TOEFL tips, and English Its modern discussion  

2. Quiet.
After you do the ways of preparation of the above, it's time you're faced with the TOEFL exam. You need to consider are: quiet. Do not rush to answer, do matter calmly.

3. Focus on The Final Sentence of Conversation.
In the matter of listening comprehension dialong short (short dialog) contains a conversation between two people. Each dialogue will be followed by a question. answers to these types of problems, most often found to be in the last line of conversation.

4. Carefully
You should know that the TOEFL test there are many tricks traps that exist in each of his section. It will cheat you if not careful work on the problems, could you already feel the answer is correct but actually go to the actual answer.

5. Do not waste your time.
Given the very limited time given, make it a habit not too long to answer the question. If the problem seems difficult, leave the matter quickly and move on to the next question.

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Describe about TOEFL

       Test of Home abbreviated as a Foreign Language TOEFL is a test of English language proficiency (an American accent) who is required to register go to college (college) or university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is required for applicants whose native language or the speaker is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States to test all participants throughout the world.

        Type the TOEFL English test is generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada for both undergraduate program (S-1) or graduate (S-2 or S-3). TOEFL test results are also used as a material consideration of English language proficiency of prospective students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American Home, and a few different types of IELTS oriented to the British Home. Unlike the IELTS test, TOEFL test is in general not have the individual parts of the interview test.

Usually, this test takes about three hours and held in 4 sections, namely sections:
  1. Listening comprehension,
  2. Grammatical structure and written expression,
  3. Reading comprehension, and parts
  4. Writing.

      The value ranging from exam results TOEFL: 310 (minimum) to 677 (maximum value) for the version of the PBT (paper-based test). Since 1998, the TOEFL test is conducted online using a computer (Computer-based Testing / CBT), and since 2005 called the IBT (Internet-based Test). In places that have not been able to carry out CBT or IBT (since there are no computer facilities and internet networks), the TOEFL test is still conducted manually using paper and pencil (paper-based test or PBT). More information about CBT tests and paper-based TOEFL relating to registration, venue, cost, and test preparation materials can be viewed on the official website of the TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (CBT version of the TOEFL exam results have value ranges from 0 to 300, while the value for the IBT is from 0 to 120).

       Lately organizers also held a kind of TOEFL test TWE (Test of Written Home), which results in value is separate from the TOEFL test scores. This test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and translate an idea or ideas, and supporting the idea with the examples found in daily life using the English language standard. Another type of test is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken Home Program) which is similar to the individual interviews on the IELTS test. They are usually used if we want to register as a teaching assistant or laboratory assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other countries.) Form tests conducted orally and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. Implementation time and the deadline for registration together with other TOEFL tests, and costs approximately U.S. $ 100.

       Structure of the TOEFL test includes a test of knowledge, skills and mastery of English with the questions that break it requires a deep understanding so that, for example, one grain of matter will cover a fairly broad sense.
My brother, Dick, ... has just Bought a Cadillac.

(A) works in Birmingham,
(B) WHO works in a private bank,
(C) is working in Melbourne,
(D) is now in London,

Item about the above, for example, will be answered quickly and accurately by someone who understands the predicate sentence, apositif, relative clause, and tenses. The allocation of time for commencing work on the TOEFL is very short - usually one test structure consists of fifty multiple choice questions that must be completed within fifty five minutes. Therefore, understanding person who will take the TOEFL on the English language as a whole and in detail is needed in taking the TOEFL for he was convinced that the answer to the points about going right in a relatively short time. Comparison between the number of grains of questions and the time available is also demanding a separate tips for achieving a high score.

        TOEFL will be the same for everyone, regardless of age category, academic level, or level of difficulty questions. Institution user will determine the results of TOEFL or require only a minimum score. To be able to solve problems in both the TOEFL, is necessary for each participant to equip themselves with good preparation. One way is with a lot to learn from books about the TOEFL. Complete Success Book TOEFL (Structure) Martinus Surawan this work including the one that presents many examples about the TOEFL and the steps of completion. Scope of the material in it is so thorough and complete, including necessary tips in a test. Therefore, it is the right step to make Indonesia Tera books published this as a weapon for successfully completing the TOEFL.

         More than 7,500 schools, universities and institutions in over 130 countries rely on TOEFL test scores to help make admissions decisions. he TOEFL test to help prove that you have the English skills you will actually be used in an academic classroom. In this test, you can read sections of textbooks and listen to lectures and then speak or write in response, just like you would in a classroom. Because this test consists of 100% of academic questions and tasks, many universities consider the most appropriate test to use when making admissions decisions. Sure, you can take the test with interview Talking, but what if your interviewer has a bad day and your level is lower than you deserve? With the TOEFL test, no doubt you score more objective and reliable, because the response Talking recorded and evaluated by assessors 3-6 ETS is not only an appraisal of local testing sites. TOEFL test scores to help you stand out because of the TOEFL test reputation for quality, fairness and academic composition of 100%. This is a test of English-language most widely accepted in the world, including more than 7,500 colleges, universities, agencies and other institutions in 130 countries. And the list that includes 100 best universities in the world.

TOEFL Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT)

The TOEFL Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) evaluates all four language skills that are essential for effective communication: reading, listening, speaking (new!), and writing:

· Reading - measures the ability to understand academic reading matter. Consists of 3 to 5 academic reading passages followed by comprehension questions.

· Listening - measures the ability to understand English as it is used in colleges and universities. Consists of 4 to 6 lectures, which include classroom dialogue, and 2 to 3 conversations that include two or more speakers in each.

· Speaking - measures the ability to speak English. Consists of 6 open-ended speaking questions, which require test takers to speak into a microphone. Responses are recorded and scored by human graders.

· Writing - measures the ability to write in a way that is appropriate for college and university course work. The TOEFL iBT contains an added 20-minute essay along with the current 30-minute essay.

TOEFL iBT is scored differently form the computer-based test:

Time Limit
No. of Questions
60-100 min
36-70 - > 3-5 passages, 12-14 questions each
60-90 min
34-51 - > 4-6 lectures, 6 questions each,
2-3 conversations, 5 questions each
Break  10 minutes
20 min
6 tasks - > 2 independent and 4 integrated
50 min
2 tasks
– one integrated task
– one independent essay
Total Score (The total score is the sum of the four skill scores.)

Notes about TOEFL iBT:

TOEFL iBT is approximately 4 hours long. Each section of the test has a time limit.

  • The Reading section has new questions that ask test takers to categorize information and fill in a chart or complete a summary.
  • There is no longer a Structure section. Grammar is tested on questions and tasks in each section.
  • Lectures and conversations in the Listening section are longer, but note-taking is allowed. In fact, note-taking is allowed throughout the entire test to help test takers answer the questions.
  • The TOEFL iBT integrated approach requires that the students be proficient in note taking.
  • The speech in the listening material sounds more natural, and one lecture per test is spoken with a British or Australian accent. There are also new multiple-choice questions that measure understanding of a speaker's attitude, degree of certainty, and purpose.
  • The Speaking section is new, and includes both integrated and independent tasks.
  • Integrated task are questions that require use of more than one skill at a time:
  • read, listen, then speak in response to a question
  • listen, then speak in response to a question
  • read, listen, then write in response to a question
  • The new Speaking section evaluates a person's ability to use spoken English, and the new integrated Writing and Speaking tasks measure the ability to combine information from more than one source and communicate about it.
  • TOEFL iBT scores are reported online. You can view your score 15 business days after the test. You will also receive a copy of your score report by mail. The test scores are valid for two years, i.e., most universities accept scores up to two years old.

Paper-based Test
The TOEFL® paper-based Test (PBT) is available in limited areas. Scores are valid for two years after the test date, and test takers can have their scores sent to institutions or agencies during that time.

1.     Listening (30 – 40 minutes)
The Listening section consists of 3 parts. The first one contains 30 questions about short conversations. The second part has 8 questions about longer conversations. The last part asks 12 questions about lectures or talks.
2.     Structure and Written Expression (25 minutes)
The Structure and Written Expression section has 15 exercises of completing sentences correctly and 25 exercises of identifying errors.
  3.     Reading Comprehension (55 minutes)
The Reading Comprehension sections has 50 questions about reading passages.
  4.     Writing (30 minutes)
The TOEFL PBT administrations include a writing test called the Test of Written English (TWE). This is one essay question with 250–300 words in average

       TOEFL ITP

·         TOEFL ITP ("ITP" stands for "Institutional Testing Program") tests are paper-based and use academic content to evaluate the English-language proficiency of non-native English speakers. The tests use new and previously administered TOEFL test questions and are used for placement, progress, evaluation, exit testing and other situations. The test scores, format and content of the test matches the "TOEFL PBT", with the exception of not including the TWE (Test of Written Expression).

·         Unlike the TOEFL iBT and PBT tests, TOEFL ITP tests are administered by the institution and for internal use. It should not replace the need for the TOEFL iBT test, which is administered securely and includes Speaking and Writing components. There are two levels of TOEFL ITP: Level 1 (intermediate to advanced) and Level 2 (high beginning to intermediate).TOEFL ITP scores are mapped to the CEFR and test takers are provided with a certificate of achievement.

TOEFL Junior Tests

·         ETS also offers the TOEFL Junior tests, a general assessment of middle school-level English-language proficiency. It is intended for students aged 11+.The tests are administered in two formats: TOEFL Junior Standard (on paper) andTOEFL Junior Comprehensive (via computer). The TOEFL Junior Standard test has three sections: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension and Language Form and Meaning. The TOEFL Junior Comprehensive test has four: Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Speaking and Writing. TOEFL Junior scores are mapped to the CEFR and test takers are provided with a certificate of achievement.

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